Mining has been one of the worlds biggest industries since the very beginning of civilized life. Around 10,000 to 7,000 years ago mining became more developed and the best way to gather materials for sustainable living. However, the illegal mining activities in parts of the world are beginning to negatively impact the environment.
Most countries regulate the mining industry by using permits and licenses. In order to obtain permission, mining companies go through a long and strenuous process which will then grant them the ability to mine for materials.
One of the main criteria used to define illegal mining is the absence of land rights, mining license, exploration or mineral transportation permit. Illegal mining can be operated on the surface or underground. In most countries, underground mineral resources belong to the state. Therefore, mineral resources can only be operated by a licensed operator according to the laws and regulations of the local government.
In some areas, mining requires the area to be free of obstacles, like trees. This causes deforestation. One of the first environmental problems we face in the mining industry. Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides forest. This can permanently damage the habitats of wildlife, as well as diminish oxygen levels over time.
The mining industry was known as very dangerous in the beginning of its time. There were no safety practices in many jobs in the early 60’s. Now, there are safety regulations that corporations must follow. However, the illegal miners are not regulated by governments, so the safety of large scale underground mining is thrown out the window. Illegal mining can be very dangerous, resulting in injuries or even death.
Illicit mining can cause contamination of soil and groundwater and chemical leakages. All around the world, illegal mining has been causing irreversible damage. Operations have left behind pools of cyanide and mercury, twice the size of Olympic swimming pools. In just three months, the illegal mining activities damaged the ecosystem by killing the entire fish population of the Aguita River after water-pumping machines leaked toxins into the water.
The mining industry will always be present because of the materials we are able to access. However, an end to illegal mining could significantly reduce the amount of turmoil the environment has been through.